My Three Golden Rules

When you understand and implement my colour code system into your everyday life this will be the last “diet” you will ever need. And – you won’t even feel like you are on a diet. Here are three golden rules for eating well and creating a healthy relationship with...

Can Your Thoughts Kill You?

The placebo effect is the most convincing demonstration of how powerful your thoughts are. Most people know that the placebo effect is when you believe something will work, and as a result of that belief, and not anything else, it does. In medical trials they must...

Quit Feeding Yourself Lies…

I recently listened to a great TED talk which essentially taught that ‘At the heart of success is effort not talent’. You don’t “have” success you “do” success. It’s not a noun, it’s a verb. The same as “motivation” is also a verb....

How Did You Get Fat?

Let’s say you are out for lunch with a friend who is about the same shape and size as you. He or she chooses a tuna Niçoise salad and you choose a four-cheese pizza. Does that make you fatter than your friend straight away? Of course, it doesn’t! You think it’s just...