Self-Sabotaging? Do this…

How would you like to find the magic formula that helps you achieve everything you set your heart on? What exactly would you achieve if you no longer self-sabotaged, and more than that, how would it feel to be able to do whatever it takes, and enjoy the process? Most...

How Did You Get Fat?

Let’s say you are out for lunch with a friend who is about the same shape and size as you. He or she chooses a tuna Niçoise salad and you choose a four-cheese pizza. Does that make you fatter than your friend straight away? Of course, it doesn’t! You think it’s just...

How to Get the Body You Want

Motivation is when you do something you really want to do. If you think about that sentence, it’s no wonder we don’t do whatever “it” is, because we genuinely don’t want to! So, what has to happen to change from ‘not wanting’ and not only be able to force ourselves to...

How ‘I Can’t’ Becomes ‘I Can’

I’ve told you many times that your mind likes doing things that are familiar. Well, now I’m going to guide you through the process of change. Before you decided that you wanted to change, were you going along thinking there wasn’t really a problem with your weight and...