Seeing is believing

This week I worked with a lady who had a severe needle phobia, which was a problem as she had to have a biopsy on a lump in her breast a few days later. She came to see me after a friend of hers I had previously treated  told her about Thought Field Therapy. I asked...

We have found the cure!

If we were as certain of the cure for cancer or heart disease as we are of the cure for obesity, think how many lives would be saved; these conditions could be virtually wiped out. We don’t need a scientific breakthrough to cure the obesity epidemic, for most people...

So hears the thing….

So hears the thing……. When I started to type this blog I accidently typed “so hears the thing” instead of “so here’s the thing”; then I smiled to myself! The topic of this blog is “be careful what you say you are listening!” so I am going to stick with my now...