by janet | Apr 13, 2013 | Uncategorized
I saw today that Danni Minogue has posted pics of herself in a bikini as she is about to become a judge on Britain and Irelands next top model. I for one thought she looked gorgeous before she lost the weight and am only sad for her if it truly has taken her so long...
by janet | Mar 21, 2013 | Uncategorized
Yesterday was UN International Happiness day. Some might wonder why such an organisation is spending money on promoting a day of happiness when there is conflict all over the world and victims in need of financial aid. Perhaps the very fact that they are, gives some...
by janet | Mar 1, 2013 | Uncategorized
Have you ever done something that at the time seemed absolutely the right thing to do, you were certain it was a good decision, and then later when things didn’t quite work out as expected thought “what on earth was I thinking?” It seemed so obvious after the event...