The Most Important Blog You Will Read…

This blog is potentially one of the most important that you may ever read. I say that not to overstate my writing skills; I am not that vain or that deluded! but because I am going to teach you some very basic, but very powerful TFT or tapping techniques. Tapping is...

Why Habits Make or Break Weight Loss

I’ve said it time and time again, it’s not willpower that will get you healthier and slimmer, it’s the little habits repeated again and again that make ALL the difference. All of us need repetition and reinforcement to get our best results. You only need to look at...

What Does Your Body Say About You?

If someone looked at you and spent 10 minutes in your company, what would they learn about your habits and rituals? Your body would give out the first most obvious clues. If you were walking down the high street and someone offered you £100 to pick out who goes to the...

Why Motivation Matters

Do you really know what motivation is? Have you ever looked at someone who seems highly motivated and said “My friend gets up at 5.30 every morning to go to the gym, she’s so motivated – she loves it! Says she couldn’t get by without this daily ritual!” But take a...

Create Your Reality

Our brains are divided into 2 physical elements (called hemispheres). They work both in their own right, and together. Information constantly flows from one side to the other to create and unify how we process our thoughts. We can see these 2 elements quite clearly as...