A Goal or a Penalty?

So here we are still in lock down for many of us, a few of us are easing out of it, and some of us may have been on the front line for most of it. I am curious – are you sticking to your health goals?  Being thrust into a new situation has given some of us an...

Getting The Life You Desire

The capacity to experience what you desire, rests solely with you. It’s not anyone else’s fault if you haven’t got more of what you want in your life. We all experience ups and downs, and of course external factors do influence our internal environment, but we always...

Radically Transform Your Health…

Gut Health is indeed the most exciting area of research, and not just with regard to the importance of the right bacteria for weight loss, but we now know that bacteria can be lifesaving and life giving. Our bodies contain 40 trillion microbe – even more than the 30...

How To Renew Your Body With Autophagy

Autophagy can be translated from the Greek auto meaning “self,” and phagy meaning “to eat.” So essentially it means that your body is eating itself. As strange as this may seem it appears from numerous studies that Autophagy is an incredible way to clear out all the...