What have Roger Bannister and Bee’s got in common?

It’s probably the most quoted achievement in personal development literature, but 60 years ago today Roger Bannister was the first man to run a mile in less than 4 minutes. Prior to that athletes were reliably informed that to do so would cause so much pressure...

That Really Takes The Biscuit!

Is a drink really too wet without one? In a week when sugar has been hitting the headlines as being as toxic as tobacco for our health, it’s ironic that McVities have released the strategy behind their latest advertising campaign after allegedly spending twelve...

Dont Throw The Baby Out With The Bathwater

The house is in upheaval and the kitchen fitters are at last here! Whenever I have workman in I always bake a carrot cake and make sure I have the kettle on, after all it makes sense to keep them happy! However, my kitchen fitter has told me not to offer him any cakes...

When Is A Treat Not A Treat?

When is a treat not a treat? When it masquerades as pleasure but in reality causes massive pain. I saw a perfect example of this tonight watching “My Baggy Body”. Sarah, having lost 9 stone after bariatric surgery, was told she couldn’t have the...

Emotional Eating – it’s not rocket science

Well I have just watched last nights episode of Weight Loss ward on ITV. The medical staff do an amazing job with some of the most extreme cases imaginable. As with the last series I am left screaming at the TV in frustration “I think I can help!” It was...